Monday 20 September 2010

Pilgrim's Progress 19.07.10

Had a good session yesterday, did what will be our regular Sunday hike up the road to the school, the mile and a half (currently in hand) is a great way to warm her up, prepare for the fact that we have a schooling session and keeps me fitter!

Loads and loads of cars out as the gardens at the big house were open so good traffic training on the way ...all ignored completely!

Got to the school and discovered all of the C end under water with the sprinkers on full whack...cue much eye popping and snorting, but I lead her down and we walked around for a few minutes just out of reach so she could see and hear the sprinkler but wasn't going to get an impromptu soaking! I find that If I remain completely workmanlike and ignore stuff she's generally picking up and that and taking confidence from it :-)
She was much better about the mounting block this time, but she's still not happy about it - odd when she's so good every where else :-$
Anyway hopped on and B was very forwards so popped her straight up into trot and worked on big shapes - changing the rein, serpentines and big circles. Have to watch her escaping out of her right shoulder!

Only had a few minor steering failures and some wibbly long sides...but discovered that she responds far better to a leg aid on the girth to straighten, than taking my leg back to move her was quite a dramatic difference! I could also use the same aid to ask for a couple of steps of leg yield back to the track. To change the aid for a turn around the inside leg I deepen and lengthen my leg with a defininite rock forwards of my inner seatbone

Again I have to be very mindful of using my legs evenly in transitions - a couple of times B reacted to my stronger right leg and skewed off to the left. But we didn't have any pawing, when I asked for halt that was what I got!

I'm have a major wibble about contact though. I'm very conscious of keeping my arms connected to my body and keeping elbows and wrists loose and moving with her to let her take it forwards, but she doesn't - at the minute we're getting some nice moments, but there's a lot of fussing / head moving and it's very hard to reward the good moments as they are followed by a curl or her head going up. I know it's a balance issue on her part....but I wonder if by always following her movement I'm not being constant and offering enough of a steady contact to reach into, so it's a vicious circle of wobbliness...does that make sense?

Don't get me wrong I'm not asking for any kind of outline, just for her to stay between my hand and leg as quietly as she can at this stage and to take a stretch down to release her back when asked

Becky E is coming down to give us a couple of short lessons, so hopefully she can give me some pointers.

Thought we'd finish off by just asking for a hop up into canter from trot on each rein to see what we got and although she ran into it a little (note to not drop the contact forwards!!!) she gave me a lovely steady few strides with a correct strike off both times and nicely back down :-D Until she's stronger that's pretty much all I'll be asking of her in the school. The majority of any ridden canter work will be out hacking.

Walked her off and stood her over by the mounting block whilst I had a drink and she stood like a lamb bless her!
The we hacked back down the road and she was good...another wibble at the same gateway as last week, but she let me pop her quarters back in and walked past without much of a fuss.

All in all really pleased with her progress, but really looking forward to a lesson so I can check we're on the right track!!

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