Wednesday 16 December 2009

Bun fight at the OK Corral

Horses are such jokers...especially at 6am!!

Got up to the field this morning...10 minutes behind schedule as I'd had a sneaky snooze (oops!)

No sign of the horses...

So I wander up along the fence line calling and rattling my nuts bucket, get suddenly confronted by all five thundering towards me in the dark and we have a mad dash down to the gate of the corral so I can grab the feeds...and shut the gate!

Of course as it's all been going so well I didn't have my headcollars, so there was a bit of a melee as I'm trying to get Bally and Dee in the corral and keep Bonita and the boys out.
Finally mission accomplished and Dee and Bally settle down to their breakfast...or not.

Bally decides Dee's looks better and we then have five minutes of to-ing and fro-ing between buckets with no eating going on until I actually park the damned things right next to each other and they settle down. I get to do my hands on daily check for any overnight lumps or bumps and I'm very pleased to find nothing, both all fine and dandy.

So then B decides she wants to have a wander and explore the corral, so off she trots, tail up...the frosty morning really has her on her toes! D meanwhile continues to stuff her face lol!

I pop in the barn to get B's headcollar so I can curtail her antics and she sticks two hooves up me kicks her heels up in the air and does her amazing passagy show off trot back down to the gate. OK...out you go and I open it.....nah only kidding says B and wheels off back into the corral taking Dee with her this time who thinks this is a great game now.

And of course as my back is turned Bonita and the boys let them selves in the corral too because numpty here left the gate open!!


It's now 6.40am I'm late and I have the whole pack of jokers careering round the corral having a right old ball. It's so cold I'm puffing, wheezing and coughing at the overdose of extremely fresh air as I'm pegging it after them to herd them all back through the gate, pick up the buckets and make sure there's no collisions.

Finally with bucking, farting and snorting a plenty (and that's them not me!) I herd every last one out back into the wild blue yonder and as one they hoon off up the field delighted at giving me plenty of exercise to start the day


Horses don't you just love them LOL!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like they were having fun - you not so much!
