Sunday 18 April 2010

I am SO Naughty!

Poor Bally has been working her socks off in preparation for backing her shortly and I've not been on here to brag about it...very remiss of me! In my defence I was ill for nearly three weeks, but it affected my throat not my fingers lol!!

Her work is coming on well, she's in hand hacking out here, there and everywhere and doing brilliantly - doesn't bother at all with any of the traffic. She still has the odd stop and look, but she's done it since the day she arrived, so it's obviously her thing...we can work round it :-)

Her inhand classical work is good - she does prefer me to hold the rein a little longer than is the norm, but either my contact is steadier that way or it's more comfortable for her. Lunging is good and her long reining coming on nicely - would help to have a school for figure work though.

We've been regularly picking Bally up in the box from the field and driving her home then I'll walk her back round the variety of bridleways we have - hopefully she'll be a dab hand at hacking once I get on!

That's been put back a bit - she seems to be growing like a weed and looks very lean and lanky all of a sudden - Can't shovel too much food in her because of the grass coming through so she looks like a gangly baby again bless her.

Today Bally went to her very first party - just a little local RC show, but always really well attended. Everything is nicely spread out though so not too overwhelming for a newbie. Well she was just amazing, stepped off the box and strutted around the showground like she'd been doing it all her life! She was happy to stand around and watch, had horses warming up around and past her, stood and watched some jumping and some carriage trial driving. She had a ball and loved every minute

I sneaked her into the lovely new indoor dressage arena they have there and she wasn't bothered - we practised running up to prepare us for indoor shows - she was foot perfect but oh god do I need to get fit!!

Even when I popped her back on the box after we'd seen everything and had a good mooch she happily popped on and stood and munched her haylage - I can't WAIT to start doing this for real with her - we had so many admiring glances!

Gi took loads of fantastic pictures which are all on this album way too many to post them all on here :-D

As well as having a fab time with Bally, Dee's been a poppet as always - had a funny Kevin the teenager moment last week, but they've all been a bit wheyhey with Spring fever - she does a very funny line in head shaking foot stomping I shan't - cracked me up completely!
She has also developed a great line in hippo impersonation - she actually gets right in the watering hole and rolls - plastering herself in wet mud, filthy little Moo!! Mind you once the mud is scraped off she's got the most unusual coat colour whilst she's shedding - her head and legs are black, her neck and shoulders are grizzled reddy brown and her back and quarters are white with red flecks and a black dorsal stripe - from a distance she looks like a blanket spot Appaloosa - I call her my little appa-luso ;-)

Anyway I'm promising faithfully to keep up with the blog from now on :-D

Oh and before I other news........ I bought a 3/4 bred Andalusian Colt yesterday.......... :-o


  1. Excellent progress - and a new colt - pictures, please!

  2. I thought Bally looked a little leggier again, the growth spurt would explain that. She's looking fantastic as ever!

    I think it's very naughty of you to tease people with information about a new colt without photos, tsk!

  3. You know me lol! Next update will contain link to pics I promise :-)

  4. hope you feel up to an update on here soon .. even though i've been keeping half a track on things elsewhere...
